Friday, January 17, 2014

Evaluation 5x4


I'm overall pleased with the  outcomes of my large format pieces as i have been able to meet the briefs condition of short , mid , long depth of field .In doing this it was defiantly a learning curve and beginning to a real understanding .I felt exercises in which where created for us such as measuring short,mid,long depth of field with the use of different lenses was helpful.However actually going out on shoots and experimenting  and making mistakes is for me personally  a great way of grasping it.
I found printing my large format sometimes difficult in getting the right colour tones and also what didn't help is storing my paper in a warm environment leaving my large prints with a slight pink to it which is a little disheartening but somehow with the images i have printed it works and goes unnoticeable which i am joyed about.
Although i have used the large format camera before in other assignments , my knowledge on setting it up and shooting was a little out of touch so I'm pleased i had quality time in getting used to using the large format again.Which i can now say i am confident in using.Overall i think using large format shooting,developing and printing is time consuming but an enjoyable experience when you get satisfying results.

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