Friday, January 17, 2014

35mm portraiture research

This research shows short and long depth of field.

Deborah turberville

I like the eeriness to her photos dark and disoriented yet enchantingly mesmerizing.The subjects in the foreground blend slightly into the background .

5x4 colour

This is one of my short/mid length 5x4 negs

more 35mm research

love magazine/fill in flash research

lOVE magazine/fill in flash research

When viewing these images i can see the digital flash is harsh on the subject and only lights up the subject and the area around it only a slightly lit.

Evaluation final portraiture project


I have produced seven images for my final portraiture project i choose to do digital as i am comfortable using studio equipment.I feel a little regrettable that i didn't combined both film and digital as printing your own photos is more satisfying and feels more of an achievement.Other than a minor downfall everything went according to plan and I'm delighted with the outcome .
I choose to keep the backdrop black so my subject is the only thing you study when viewing the image rather than your eyes being diverted to something further in the background.i was inspired by various photographers such as Deborah Turberville and Albert Watson to create something creatively dramatic in a subtle form.I also think my images question what is portraiture as all my images the face of the subject is always hidden given a sense of uncertainty to ones identity my subject uses there body to express themselves rather than with there facial expressions.

Evaluation fill in flash


When set with the task of producing one print it was hard to find the right Harmony's between fill in flash and natural daylight .I found that not having the flash directly on the subject and away from the sun helped balance them both out.When researching this particular style of shooting it also proved difficult to find photographers who stated they used it.So i resorted to magazines such as Love,Elle,Hunger which proved to be a positive decision.
I think my image has a good composition in the center  and chose to take it from above so from her top half is more of the foreground adding a creatively detailed touch rather than a straight on shot.With this i think it makes the image look more aesthetically pleasing to view.Also i pleased with background being unfocused its brings to attention of the detailed outline and shadowing on the subject.

5x4 colour neg

This image was one of three images i was using as my final large portrait prints.It was part of a sequence from short,mid,long depth of field they consist one the same throughout unfortunately when printing this the image was unfocused .

final 5x4 large format prints


shooting hasselblad and locations


Hasselblad portraiture project research

This is part of my final portraiture project research where i felt i wanted to be more creative than to just create simple portraits.Using the hasselblad i shot the two above photos with the intention of them not fully being in focus.The reason for this is i had recently researched one of many photographers i admire Deborah Turberville, she created many fashion photos which all have a disturbingly eerily feel to them.

This was just an idea one in which i did do intentionally but did not work. i would have preferred if it had been in focus a little,using a tripod would have changed things completely and this idea may have panned out the way i had imagined it to.

hasselblad portraiture project reserach

More pleased with the outcome of these negs than the other two.I am pleased with the way I've structured the format of these photographs.The background adds emphasis and mood to the foregrounds subject.

Evaluation 5x4


I'm overall pleased with the  outcomes of my large format pieces as i have been able to meet the briefs condition of short , mid , long depth of field .In doing this it was defiantly a learning curve and beginning to a real understanding .I felt exercises in which where created for us such as measuring short,mid,long depth of field with the use of different lenses was helpful.However actually going out on shoots and experimenting  and making mistakes is for me personally  a great way of grasping it.
I found printing my large format sometimes difficult in getting the right colour tones and also what didn't help is storing my paper in a warm environment leaving my large prints with a slight pink to it which is a little disheartening but somehow with the images i have printed it works and goes unnoticeable which i am joyed about.
Although i have used the large format camera before in other assignments , my knowledge on setting it up and shooting was a little out of touch so I'm pleased i had quality time in getting used to using the large format again.Which i can now say i am confident in using.Overall i think using large format shooting,developing and printing is time consuming but an enjoyable experience when you get satisfying results.

shooting fill in flash

Final portraiture project prints

These are the first four of my final portraiture project.Reasons for putting them separately is the above have a sequence and stages in which you look at them.Although it should be first to last in this case last to first.I deciding to do nude mixed with what sometimes is labelled fashion like corrinne day photographing Kate Moss.There was a feeling of uncertainty of what i was photographing , although I'm generally happy with the outcome there was a slight concern whether this could even be considered portraiture.But after plenty research and being inspired by others photographers work i came 

Albert Watson


I admire Albert Watson's  two portrayals of Kate Moss and how two different layouts and can produce very different things.For instance the photograph on the left creates a disgruntled,lost,unstable,on edge,uncomfortable to name a few. I'd suggest has been created by the darker backdrop and the use of light creating shadow along the bottom of her back and then up her spine emphasising it dramatically.Whereas the image on the right has a calm,feminine,less hostile rhythm too it with the help of a lighter back drop and the use of light directly upon her creating shadowing behind her.Although both very uniquely different from another in the sense of mood they create they are both equally beautiful in there own way, they draw your eyes attention for different reasons.

Final fill in flash

This is my final fill in flash image. I'm overall delighted with this final piece.I think i have produced an image with the right balance between foreground and background.The flash does not overpower the subject therefore leaving the image to have a certain harmony about it where the elements of using fill in flash in day light work well. My experience of creating this image was not at all easy as i had never used a fill in flash but with practice and experimenting using the flash facing away from from the subject and then every other angle i managed to get there in the end.By experimenting taking several hundred images i was able to look back and compare the differences between each image depending where the flash was aimed .This came assignment came as a great learning curve.

35mm portraiture research

As part of my large format research i choose to present it in a variety of forms using 5x4, hasselblad and 35mm . Doing this was just to gain prospective of what a portrait may consist off and to get a understanding of depth of field.Above is a prior example of all three mid,long and short depth of field.I think all three have a great harmony in which both figure and ground work well together where neither background or foreground are overpowering one another.