Friday, May 15, 2015

Comparisons and influential input

     Guy Bourdin - Phaidon

Your creative success is always subconsciously or consciously  influenced by one or artists.In this case one of my influences when creating the top image contact, was Guy Bourdin  who i recently discussed in a previous posts .The nature of his images fit perfectly into the series of images i'm creating .There are many similarities that resemble traits in Bourdin work from my own like the above top image yet displayed in my own personal style. Both images use legs as a subject matter and main focal point,with the rest of the photo content  irrelevant.Unlike guy Bourdin the surroundings in my image stay very neutral in terms of the colour tones that a displayed which are consistent with the focal point being the legs.This could have effectively blended the focal point of the image with the background.The use of flash changes this and create a silhouette shadowing outlines the legs and lights some of a section of the background to the give focal point great quality and emphasis.In doing this it then re links back to the photographers above image in how he creates extravagant block colours to give contrast and emphasis to the main viewing point.

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